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Tivo Details Tivotogo For Mac

Users who upgrade to Mac OS X 10.6 and have an older version of Toast 9, Toast 10, or Popcorn 4 installed will be unable to launch TiVo Transfer, part of our TiVoToGo for the Mac solution. To resolve this issue, users should update to the latest version of their respective Toast or Popcorn. The Mac version of TiVoToGo will sell for $99 and have all the same capability as the PC version, but it's all in one box this time, said Jim Denney, TiVo's VP of marketing.

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Tivo Details Tivotogo For Mac

To a letter received by someone at the that confirms there is no target release date on the horizon for. Forum member pdxkevin wrote a self-described angry letter last week and emailed it off to TiVo. Much to his surprise, the letter found its way to Tom Rogers (TiVo Pres.) and then got passed along for the VP of Marketing to respond. Here's the reply from Jim Denney, VP of Retail Marketing (bold added for emphasis): My name is Jim Denney, I am in Vice President of Product Marketing for TiVo's retail products.


Tom Rogers forwarded your message to me. I wanted to thank you for your email and apologize for the delay in TiVoToGo for the Mac. I am sorry that you feel we have not paid attention to the Mac community.

That is certainly not our intention. We are aware of our subscriber's desire to get TiVoToGo on the Mac. Believe it or not, we are actively working on the project and have been for the past year in various forms. Unfortunately, developing on the Mac platform has been a little more difficult because of its closed nature. We are working through the issues we have encountered. They are not simple to solve given the needs that we balance in TiVoToGo. We don't have a release date for the feature yet.

Tivo Computer

We have gotten ourselves in trouble in the past when we estimated it would be out by mid year this year, we obviously missed that date. In the interest of setting the right expectations this time we want to wait until the feature is actually ready. We are not ready to make that announcement yet. That is why our customer care representatives have been instructed to give the answer they gave you. We can let you know when the feature is ready for launch. We are listening to you. Until it is ready, we appreciate your patience.

Tivo computer

As a long-time TiVo owner and one who has been longing for TiVoToGo for Mac for quite some time, I appreciate TiVo's frank response, although it's admittedly almost too little, too late. Their communication on this issue has been pretty poor and only served to set us all up for a fall time after time. I know most people want companies to commit to release dates early and often, but I'm of the camp that believes 'We really don't know' is better than 'Maybe next year.' Until recently I've been using TiVoToGo on a spare Dell laptop that doesn't get used for much else.

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That being said, since I now own a Series 3 HD TiVo along with my Series 2 w/ DVD Burner, a retired Series 1 and a Sony system (with ), I have limited use for TiVoToGo now - until it's available for the Series 3 at least, when I will, of course, jump on it like a rabid dog.